Increasing Profitability with Precision Agriculture
Source: Discovery Farms
Have you heard of sub-field precision agriculture? Listen to Jeff Lake, a farmer in Boyceville, WI about this practice and how it has converted red acres (profit loss) to green acres (profit gain) on his farm. Jeff works with Scott Stipetech at Pheasants Forever to map and plan his acres using precision ag technology. They then make strategic management decisions to adjust practices on acres that have consistently been losing profit. This has benefitted area wildlife as well as the farm’s wallet.
Length: 1:01:30
Year Produced: 2020
State: Wisconsin
Cropping Systems: Beef Cattle, Corn, Forage, Other Grains, Soybean, Vegetables
Tags: efficiency, lower inputs, precision agriculture, Profitability, Return on Investment, rotational grazing, wildlife