What’s So Amazing about Grazing?
Source: Field Work
Maybe it seems crazy to some row crop farmers to add livestock into their field rotation. But for Michael Vittetoe, the benefits of adding cattle to his Iowa farm have been plentiful. Hosts Zach Johnson and Mitchell Hora talk with Michael about how livestock integration adds carbon back into the ground, helps to keep soil cool and moist, and saves money on resources. It has also become a new revenue stream. Also in this episode, Zach chats with Dave Scott, a sheep farmer in Montana, who’s at a pro level with his grazing management practices. He’s been able to get his soils to work for him in a such a way that he no longer needs fertilizer applications.
Length: 47:20
Year Produced: 2020
State: Arkansas
Cropping Systems: Beef Cattle, Corn, Hog, Small Ruminants, Soybean
Tags: getting started, lower inputs, Profitability, Save Money