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The Colby Project – Introduction and Control Burn 2024

An independent agriculture retailer (Short Lane Ag Supply), community-led watershed group (EPPIC), and Pheasants Forever teamed up to answer the challenge presented by One Good Idea: to establish field-to-edge conservation practices to reduce nutrient discharge and soil run-off into the surface waters. The project begins in Colby, Wisconsin, which is in the heart of dairy land country, on a tail end of a waterway that butts-up to marginal cash crop acres. Watch as the team transforms the sea of reed canary grass and acres of low-performing crop acres into vegetative buffers, enhanced wildlife areas, and pollinator habitat. In this video installment, Short Lane Ag’s Matthew Oehmichen introduces the team and project, and the control burn application to prep the site.

State: Wisconsin

Cropping Systems: Corn, Dairy, Soybean

Tags: edge-of-field practices, marginal land, pollinators, Reduce Runoff, vegetated buffers, wildlife