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Manure Composting with Jeff Endres

Jeff Endres, president of the farmer-led group Yahara Pride Farms, shares his experience and advice on composting. Jeff farms with his family in Waunakee, WI where they have a dairy operation, Endres Berryridge Farms. About eight years ago, they began experimenting with composting as a way to handle their bedded pack manure during the summer months. When a decision regarding manure management for a new heifer facility came about, they went all in on composting: they built a covered composting space and invested in a custom made turner. Tune in to learn what works for the Endres, and hear how they’ve transformed their on-farm composting system.

Length: 17:41

Year Produced: 2022

State: Wisconsin

Cropping Systems: Corn, Dairy, Forage, Other Grains

Tags: composting, liquid manure, low disturbance